What a release schedule! The team behind vSphere HTML5 Web Client Fling is doing a beautiful job here, one release every other week. I previously blogged about v3.32 of the plugin and the vApp goodies it brought. Here we are in front of a new release, v3.33, with another great set of vApp and VM improvements.
If you don’t use yet the vSphere HTML5 Web Client Fling, you can find here the installation details.
The update process is as easy as described in the How to Update vSphere HTML5 Web Client Fling article. You just hit “Update vSphere Client” button in the management console and the update starts right away:
After the process is completed and you re-login to the web client, you will see the new version confirmation:
vSphere HTML5 Web Client Fling v3.33 – Features and Improvements
When you right-click on an actionable object, you’ll see a new action in the menu: “New vApp…”. Clicking on it starts a wizard with two different options: “Create a new vApp” and “Clone an existing vApp”. The left menu changes based on your choice. Both creation of a new vApp and cloning a new vApp are great additions to the HTML5 Client.
The other improvement in vApp world is for “Move To…” action. Starting v3.33 we can move to “Host & Cluster”. Previously, we could only execute move to folder operation.
Moving to VM customizations, we can now duplicate a customization to another vCenter Server.
Synchronize Licenses is a new option in the Licenses area.
In the Assets tab of the Licenses area we are able to see asset details now.
In Edit VM Settings wizard, we can now edit advanced VM configuration.
Second change in Edit VM Settings wizard is in regards to the maximum number of concurrent VMRC sessions.
The development team listed few other features in the fling change log:
- Support for PCI and Shared PCI devices for a VM
- Change the shortcuts for Power Operations in VMware tools section in the Edit Settings of the VM
There is also a bug fixed: can’t add an existing hard disk residing on a datastore cluster.
Happy update!