VMware Carpool Tech Talk - Joe Baguley

VMware Carpool Tech Talk

In a fashion similar with James Corden’s Carpool Karaoke, VMware EMEA released over the last six months a series of short videos: VMware Carpool Tech Talk. For each episode of the series, two VMware influencers share a car and have a short tech talk. It’s a different format, relaxed, fun to follow, and without the exposure it deserves. Without further due, here we go!

VMware Carpool Tech Talk – Rory Choudhuri and Andrew Hald – Hands-on Labs

Rory Choudhuri (Solutions Marketing Director at VMware) talks with Andrew Hald (Principal Architect and Senior Manager) about how VMware Hand-on Labs add value to the products and the customers. How they deliver 150,000 VMs a week, what’s next and what’s in it for you?

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VMUGYou are all used with VMUG, but this time you will not be required to travel to attend the event! Virtual VMUG EMEA is a full day virtual event, organized by VMUG on 28 September 2017, 10:00 to 16:00 CET.

Joe Baguley, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for EMEA, VMware, will start the day with the keynote. I have seen Joe in few occasions, both as a keynote speaker and in some private meetings, I always had something to learn. So yes, looking forward for this event!

We will have access to some hands-on labs throughout the day. vSphere, VMware Cloud on AWS, NSX, and vSAN will be the main actors of the labs.

Now, going to the sessions, I can see some great presentations on the agenda. I can recognize some of them from VMworld event, but in case you missed them, it’s always warmer to see the action live instead of a YouTube recording. You can find the detailed agenda here.

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