VMware vSphere 6.5 Host Resources Deep Dive

Free e-book: VMware vSphere 6.5 Host Resources Deep Dive

I have to admit, this post comes earlier than planned. I am still reading “VMware vSphere 6.5 Host Resources Deep Dive” by Frank Denneman and Niels Hagoort. See above, third part of the book (“Storage Resources”), chapter 14 (“Non-volatile Memory Architecture”), page 331. Printed version, no search function available yet.

Why do I write this now? Because Rubrik and VMUG have an early Christmas gift for us. After Rubrik gave away  at VMworld 2000 free copies of the printed version of “VMware vSphere 6.5 Host Resources Deep Dive”, they partnered with VMUG and decided to further support the community by providing a free PDF version of the book. If you are in a rush, go to Rubrik site and download the e-book. If you prefer the printed version, sorry, but you will have to pay for it @Amazon.

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Win Free Ticket to VMworld 2018 – by VMUG

VMUGVMUG just announced a giveaway of a free ticket to VMworld 2018!

Starting Monday 7th August 2017, VMUG will post on their Twitter account @myvmug a weekly clue: they will let us know where to find a certain content which we should re-tweet. Each tweet must include @myvmug and must contain the #VMUGOLDENTICKET hashtag. Hurry up, you should re-tweet in less than 24 hours after their post!

The winner may choose the venue, either US either Europe.

The contest ends August 27th at midnight and VMUG will announce the winner August 28th.