Back in 2015, Veeam launched a global influencer program” called Veeam Vanguard. Program was organized by Rick Vanover (MVP, vExpert, Cisco Champion) together with a team of other vExperts and MVPs (Doug Hazelman, Luca Dell’Oca, Clint Wyckoff).
“The Veeam Vanguard Program is a hand-selected list of people of all backgrounds who Veeam feels embraces our brand best in their communities. Some Vanguards are bloggers, some are active on our Veeam Forums, some are active on Spiceworks sharing a lot of Veeam-specific information and the list goes on for all of the ways Vanguards have engaged.” – Rick Vanover
Fast forward to 2017, and for the third edition of the program we have 61 Veeam Vanguards from 26 countries. Among them I noticed people well-known from VMware community, like Andrea Mauro, Christian Mohn, John Nicholson, Liselotte Foverskov, Mike Preston, Vladan Seget, Paul Braren, Andreas Lesslhumer, David Hill, Pete Flecha, or Melissa Palmer. For a full list of Vanguards, you can check the official list.
We’ll move now to current days, with exciting news: nominations for Veeam Vanguard 2018 edition are open! Veeam plans to expand the program this year. Vanguards have privileged access to Product Strategy Team, product betas and briefings. You can nominate yourself or someone you know it fits the profile. Nominations will be accepted until 29 December 2017.